Mattermost 키보드 바로 가기

plans-img 모든 플랜 에서 사용 가능

deployment-img Cloudself-hosted 배포판

Mattermost 키보드 바로 가기를 사용하여 Mattermost 웹 브라우저나 데스크톱 앱을 사용할 때 키보드를 더 효율적으로 사용할 수 있습니다.


  • Mattermost에서 Ctrl / (Windows 또는 Linux), / (macOS)를 눌러 사용 가능한 키보드 바로 가기 목록을 표시하거나, /shortcuts 슬래시 명령을 사용하세요.

  • 추가적인 키보드 바로 가기가 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 팀 키보드 바로 가기 문서를 참조하세요.

채널 탐색

다음은 채널에 대한 키보드 바로 가기이며, 모든 지원되는 브라우저 와 Mattermost 데스크톱 앱에서 지원됩니다.

On Windows & Linux

On Mac



Previous channel or direct message in the channel sidebar.


Next channel or direct message in the channel sidebar.

Alt Shift

Previous channel or direct message in the channel sidebar with unread messages.

Alt Shift

Next channel or direct message in the channel sidebar with unread messages.

Alt + select channel

+ select channel

Mark the last post in the channel as unread.

Ctrl K


  • If text isn’t selected: Open the Find Channels dialog.

  • If text is selected: Create a hyperlink in the format [linktext](URL).

Ctrl Shift K


Open the Direct Messages dialog.

Ctrl Shift A


Open the Settings dialog.

Ctrl Shift M


Open recent mentions.

Ctrl Shift L


Set focus to center channel input field.

Ctrl .


Open or close the right-hand sidebar.

Ctrl Shift .


Expand or shrink the width of the open right-hand sidebar.

Ctrl Shift F


Move focus to the Search field and search the current channel.

Ctrl Shift U


Find unread channels or search through all channels.

Ctrl Shift I


Open or close Channel Info details in the right-hand sidebar.

File uploads

The following keyboard shortcuts are supported in all supported browsers and in the Mattermost desktop app.

On Windows & Linux

On Mac


Ctrl U


Upload a file.


The following keyboard shortcuts are supported in all supported browsers and in the Mattermost desktop app.

On Windows & Linux

On Mac


Ctrl (in empty input field)

(in empty input field)

Reprint previous message or slash command you entered.

Ctrl (in empty input field)

(in empty input field)

Reprint next message or slash command you entered.

Shift (in empty input field)

(in empty input field)

Reply to the most recent message in the current channel.

(in empty input field)

(in empty input field)

Edit your last message in the current channel.

@[character] Tab

@[character] Tab

Autocomplete @username beginning with [character].

~[character] Tab

~[character] Tab

Autocomplete channel beginning with [character].

:[character] Tab

:[character] Tab

Autocomplete emoji beginning with [character].

Ctrl Shift \


React to last message in channel or thread.

Message formatting

The following keyboard shortcuts are supported in all supported browsers and in the Mattermost desktop app.

On Windows & Linux

On Mac


Ctrl B


Bold text.

Ctrl I


Italicize text.

Ctrl Alt K


Format text as a link.

Accessibility nagivation

The following keyboard shortcuts work in all supported browsers and in the Mattermost desktop app.

On Windows & Linux

On Mac




Go to the previous channel in your history.



Go to the next channel in your history.

Shift (in input field)

(in input field)

Highlight text to the previous line.

Shift (in input field)

(in input field)

Highlight text to the next line.

Shift Enter (in input field)

Enter (in input field)

Create a new line.


Though Mattermost keyboard shortcuts support standard languages and keyboard layouts, they may not work if you use keymapping that overwrites default browser shortcuts.


The following keyboard shortcuts are supported in all supported browsers and in the Mattermost desktop app when calls are enabled.

On Windows & Linux

On Mac


Ctrl Alt S


Start or join call in current channel.

Ctrl Shift Space


Mute or unmute.

Ctrl Shift Y


Raise or lower hand.

Ctrl Shift E


Share or unshare screen.

Alt P or Ctrl Shift P

P or P

Show or hide participants list.

Ctrl Shift L


Leave current call.



Hold to unmute (push to talk) Note: works in the expanded view/popout window only.

Zoom in & zoom out display

The following display keyboard shortcuts work in all supported browsers and in the Mattermost desktop app.

On Windows & Linux

On macOS


Ctrl Shift +


Increase font size (zoom in).

Ctrl Shift -


Decrease font size (zoom out).


Though Mattermost keyboard shortcuts support standard languages and keyboard layouts, they may not work if you use keymapping that overwrites default browser shortcuts.